June 21, Ask Your Mom: covers of classic and alt-rock songs from Buz Abrams, Rob Cavenagh, Derek Correia, Brett Perrine, and John Trumpbour.
Doors open at 6:00 PM, Concerts begin at 7:00 PM
Event Link: http://www.katonahmuseum.org/programs-and-events/W2W-BackyardConcerts/
Cut a rug during our Wall to Wall carpet exhibition this summer! The KMA invites you to kick back early at the mid-week hump and turn ho-hum Wednesdays into family jam night. Join us in our backyard (the Marilyn M. Simpson Sculpture Garden) for garage band fun, listening to covers and originals from local bands taking a break from their day jobs. See these Westchester-bred performers strum and stomp as you picnic in your cut-offs and Bermudas. Enjoy garden seating or bring your own blanket. Complimentary beer and wine served. To purchase tickets, check out our website.
Wednesdays, June 21, July 12, and July 19.
July 12, DogBone: original tunes and acoustic rock covers from Fell Herdeg, Noah Kornblum, and Mark Weigel.
July 19, Sir Cadian Rhythm: progressive brew of original rock, soul, and jazz songs from Matt Carlin, Micah Cowher, Richie Cluxton, Alex Laudani, and Jack Weppler.